Monday, August 16, 2010


We are living in the age of science and technology.Though we have made a tremendous progress yet we have to pay much cost of this progression shape of pollution.Man, in his effort to conquer every thing, has upset the balance between living things and their surrounding.Pollution is like a burning mountain that can cause every loss to the living souls on the holly earth.It is the constant threat to mankind and the entire civilization.
Pollution means "contamination of the purity of things." It has become a grave problems which is destroying the purity of the air. the seas and the land.The main causes of pollution are the continuous industrial development, the excessive use of automobiles and the population explosion.This problem has assumed alarming proportion.Our rivers, seas, land and air have become polluted.
atmospheric pollution is the result of emission of carbon mono oxide, sulfur oxide and hydrocarbons.Factories are sending huge quantities if poisonous gasses into atmosphere.Thousands of cars, buses and airplanes are pouring deadly poisons into our atmosphere.This sever situation has posed a serious threat to the life of living species several people are suffering from various respiratory aliments that could threaten their very lives.
The discharge of the poisons gasses is damaging the Ozone layer which protect  us from the harmful rays of the sun.This may result in cancerous diseases and also cause an increase in the atmospheric temperatures.
Human excrement industrial discharges, unclear wastes, hospital wastes and agriculture pesticide are the major water pollutants.These poisonous materials are contaminating nearby wells, canals, and rivers.The result is that we do not have pure water to grind.This water pollution is killing wildlife and sea life.It is also causing various diseases among human beings.The food crops irrigated with poisonous water also become poisonous.They also cause various diseases.
Noise pollution is another sever threat to human health.The constant noise of the factories disturbs our mental peas all the time.The workers are suffering from several psychological diseases because of the noise pollution of the machines.
pollution is an important problem of the modern age.Man must establish and maintain a beneficial relationship with the rest of nature.All activities which pollute the environment must be curtailed.Every person should fulfill his duty by actively taking part in the anti-pollution campaign.


Narcotic drugs are the medicines which are used for mtoxication without medical advice.Opium, Wine, tobacco, cocaine and morphine are used as drugs but Heroin is the most harmful drug of the all.It is a very costly and addictive drug.A man may become addicted to it drug addiction causes deterioration of body and mind.It damages our lungs, heart and kidneys.It causes various diseases like tuberculosis and cancer.Drug are such evil monsters as are sucking the lifeblood of the vigorous youngsters and converting them into passive idlers.They get a temporary pleasure but a permanent disease engulfs them through a slow death.Though its influence on our body and mind is captivating yet it is a poison that cripples the whole of our body and soul.In short, drug addiction is a hell "where youth grows pale, specter-thin and dies".
Drug addiction also morally corrupts the people.A drug addict cannot without drugs.When he is unable to purchase costly drug, he becomes a criminal, a robber or a thief to get money for drug.intoxication becomes the chief objective of his life.He loses all interest in every thing else and forgets family, molarity and social responsibilities.As he becomes a diseased part of a civil society, he has to be operated upon.
Usually people fall a prey to drug-addiction in order to "get pleasure and forget worries" they do not have courage enough to face the realities of life and try to escape into the world of dreams by using drug.The youngsters are severely depressed due to social injustice violation of merit, unemployment, mental worries sexual perversion and financial problems.Some of them lack will-power and get frustrated soon.They either becomes drug-addicts or commit suicide.
Drug abuse is not a regional problem.This is an international issue.The drug mafia is well-knit and well-protected throughout the world.Many political and official figures have their links with the drug mafia and are involved in this ugly business directly or indirectly.The person who opposes them is killed.Various government and non-governmental organizations(Ego's)have adopted a large number of measures to uproot the evil culture of drug but all in vain.At present, more than 25 million people are drug addicts in the world.
The future of a nation depends on its young generation.Adequate measure should be taken, at the earliest, to save our youth from the menace of heroin.It is the duty of every member of the civil society to wage a war against drug abuse.
Following suggestions may be helpful to curb the evil of drug-addiction.
1: Social justice and economic security should be established in the society.
2: The youngsters should be encouraged to solve their emotional and intellectual problems.
3: The medical, the psychiatric and the sociological specialists should be appointed to look after drug-addicts in government hospital.
4: Drug-traffickers should be awarded severe punishments.
5: Drug-preparation should be curbed strictly.


Kashmir is a bone of contention between Pakistan and India.The Kashmir issue, after 58 year's, is still a biggest hindrance in the normalization of relations between Pakistan and India.The two countries have fought to full fledged wars over this issue.In view of it's Geo-political significance, India desired to acquire Kashmir when partition of the sub-continent became inevitable in 1947.The Maharajah acceded to India under dubious circumstances when the Kashmiri Muslims revolted against the evil designs of India.
Pakistan is of the view that only the people of Kashmir have a right to determine the future of Kashmir.The UN resolution of august 13, 1948 and January 5, 1949, which were accepted both by India and Pakistan provided for the holding a plebiscite under the UN auspices to settle the Kashmir issue.
The people of Kashmir have been suffering from inexpressible miseries since 1948.The unending curfew, rape cases, torture cells and crushing of their resources are only the slight expression of their miseries.A new hell can be witnessed in this old heaven.
India is projecting the struggle in Kashmir as "Muslim fundamentalism."India cannot throw dust into the eyes of the world community by labeling Kashmir movement as"religious fanaticism." In fact, Kashmir people along with their Islamic aspiration are fighting for the protection of their political, religious, political, and economic rights.It is the expression of the entire community.The India authorities have failed to understand the core of the issue and are trying to deal it as that of law and order.They link it to terrorism sponsored by Pakistan.
The time has come when UNO should play an active role as it has played in Iraq-Kuwait case.The resolution on Kashmir are yet to be fully implemented.The UNO has lost its repute as peace keeping and peace making body.The unending struggle of the freedom fighters has proved that that the will of the people cannot be suppressed.It is the moral obligation of the international community to rescue the innocent Kashmiris from the brutalities, cruelties and atrocities of the occupation army of India.The Muslim ummah should also come out of it's slumber and prove it to the world that Islam is a force which cannot be suppressed.